It Won't Be Slow Forever
By: Jeremiah Kiefer

It won't be slow forever. 

While there are a few exceptions within our overall consultant network, we realize that most of you are slower than you would like. While predictable in a year that follows a slow hurricane season, predictability doesn't ease the squeeze we're currently navigating. I can attest to fielding calls from folks with decades of experience who are scared and unfortunately there is no certain remedy to share. What is certain though is that the carriers will need claims handling capacity sooner or later. It could be as soon as next week with a round of strong convective storms tearing through the Southeast. It could be as long as hurricane season which is shaping up to be a busy one considering an incoming La Nina pattern atop record ocean temperatures.  

With things being slow, take advantage of the situation to better your position amongst your peers. Carve out a week and get that certification or license you've been putting off. Research and invest in imaging and productivity tools to better your product and efficiency. LEARN in general. All of us struggle with certain aspects of building sciences for instance. Spend an afternoon and educate yourself. Also, and forgive me for sounding like a broken record referencing recent months' musings, upgrade your online security by moving to a password manager and setting up multi-factor authentication on all of your important accounts. Lastly, and while I greatly struggle with it myself, take some time for yourself to recharge. 

From a macro perspective, Deft will continue to build out our pre-loss program to put us in a position to flatten the curve when it comes to revenue opportunities for our consultant network. It is on us to create at-bats for our team so that you are there "when the wind blows". What we've built in Florida, which by the way has our top 5 risk consultants as busy as they will ever be with underwriting inspections, will soon expand to South Carolina, Texas, and California opening up huge opportunities for our key players in those markets.  

Trust that Deft will do anything and everything to provide opportunities early and often. We're all in this together. 



Deft at a Crossroads
By: Jeremiah Kiefer