Unlocking Efficiency: Deft's Journey to Revolutionize Claims & Risk Management
By: Darin Bradley

Greetings Team,

With a slower claim volume nearly nationwide, we continue to navigate through the current landscape of the insurance industry and our commitment to innovation remains unwavering. At Deft, we recogn​ize the importance of adapting to market dynamics and continuously evolving to meet the evolving needs of our clients. It's in this spirit that we're thrilled to share updates on one of our most ambitious projects yet: the development of the Deft Dashboard.

The Deft Dashboard isn't just another software solution; it's poised to become the industry's first all-in-one AI-integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system tailored specifically for claims management. This comprehensive platform aims to streamline and optimize every aspect of property insurance, from underwriting to initial assessment of claims to dispute resolution.

Picture this: an intuitive interface that seamlessly integrates communication channels, documentation repositories, note-taking functionalities, timelogs, and more, all with AI-integration to alleviate time constraints (we know our best-in-class product takes time). This consolidated hub will empower our adjusters with the tools they need to navigate risk management and complex claims efficiently and effectively, ultimately enhancing client satisfaction and retention.

But the Deft Dashboard isn't just about frontline operations; it's designed to cater to the diverse needs of our entire organization. From leadership to back-office staff, this platform will serve as a centralized repository for critical functions such as personnel management, client relationship management, payroll processing, and data analytics.

The journey towards the realization of the Deft Dashboard began with the development of Deft Vault, our ultra-secure storage solution. By laying the foundation with Deft Vault, we've established a robust infrastructure to support the development of our groundbreaking ERP system. The continued refinement and enhancement of Deft Vault have not only strengthened our data security measures but also allowed us to allocate resources towards further integration efforts.

We're excited to announce that the Deft Dashboard project is well underway, with our R&D team working tirelessly to bring this vision to life. As we progress, we remain committed to soliciting feedback from all stakeholders, ensuring that the final product is not only cutting-edge but also user-friendly and intuitive.

In the coming months, we'll be rolling out opportunities for everyone to provide input and insights into the prototypes as they make their way into beta. Your feedback will be instrumental in shaping the future of property insurance at Deft and setting new benchmarks for the industry as a whole.

As we embark on this transformative journey, let's continue to push the boundaries of innovation and excellence. Together, we'll unlock new levels of efficiency, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction, solidifying Deft's position as a leader in the risk management and claims arms of the insurance space.

Stay tuned for more updates on the Deft Dashboard and other exciting initiatives on the horizon.


It Won't Be Slow Forever
By: Jeremiah Kiefer